We are excited to announce that the 2X1K CDU is now available for our ATMs. The 2X1K Cash Dispenser is a low-cost solution to multi-denomination cash dispensing. The 2X1K offers two 1,000 note cassettes that can be configured for any denomination.
It’s the perfect solution for locations that don’t receive enough foot traffic to justify a 4K CDU, but still want to offer their customers the flexibility to withdraw more than one denomination. For example, customers seeking to withdraw $50 are no longer forced to withdraw $60. This functionality increases your margin on the transaction and it can help lower your cost of cash.
Lower the cost of ATM transactions with the latest Hyosung cash dispenser options today!
The 2X1K is available now, and it can be ordered on the Halo II. Additionally, the 2X1K CDU is always adapting. A conversion kit is coming soon for field upgrades, and by early June there will be a software update to allow denomination selection, which has been a very popular feature on many of our high-end ATMs.
For more information, contact your sales representative.