Corporate Policies
Hyosung Americas is a world leader in the retail and financial solutions industry. We believe it is our responsibility to protect the environment by providing sustainable solutions.

Nautilus Hyosung America Inc., and Hyosung TNS embodies the true spirit of corporate social responsibility, and we are committed to the highest standards of corporate citizenship. Our culture and values are rooted in service, integrity, and taking personal responsibility for our actions, outcomes, and reputation. At Nautilus Hyosung America Inc., and Hyosung TNS, we make a difference in the communities in which we live and work. Given the worldwide span of our workers, clients, suppliers, and partners, we recognize the global reach of our business practices and our public accountability.
Hyosung is committed to:
- Continuous improvement in our Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy by;
- Encouraging our business partners to implement CSR;
- Continually improving our performance and meeting all applicable legislation;
- Informing our staff to be mindful of the effect of their actions on non-renewable resources.
- The CSR policy is to make clear to all stakeholders what Hyosung means by CSR and Hyosung’s purpose to work towards implementing and achieving CSR. The CSR policy applies throughout all activities of the company.
- Hyosung recognizes that CSR embraces all aspects of sustainable development and social issues which are of most relevance to Hyosung and decide at what stage this CSR policy could most effectively and legally be included;
- Hyosung shall operate in a way that safeguards against unfair business practices;
- Hyosung believes that a responsible approach to developing relationships between companies and communities they serve, national and international, is a vital part of delivering business success;
- When carrying out our business, Hyosung will determine the environmental, social and economic issues;
- Hyosung will continually review all policies and business practices to encourage engagement with business partners to promote development.
Green Policy
Nautilus Hyosung America Inc., and Hyosung TNS are committed to protecting public health by conducting our operations and activities in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner. Blue sky, warm sunshine, clean water, cool breezes… Our lives become healthier and richer with the benefits of nature. Hyosung is committed to protecting and preserving our precious natural environment with a sense of responsibility. Hyosung actively contributes to building a cleaner environment for all through environmental preservation activities such as reducing the CO2 and wastewater generated from our production facilities. Furthermore, we also actively develop resources and recycling and energy reduction technologies, and actively engage ourselves in projects involving the use of new energy sources.

Modern Slavery Act Policy
Nautilus Hyosung America Inc and Hyosung TNS’s Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy sets out our expectations and commitments in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Learn more at: Modern Slavery Act Policy and Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
Hyosung and the United States Government prohibit trafficking in persons. The U.S. Government’s policy prohibiting trafficking in persons is available at 48 CFR § 52.222-50 and is summarized below under the heading: “Summary of U.S. Government Policy of Prohibiting Trafficking in Persons.” Nautilus Hyosung America Inc., headquartered in Irving, Texas, and Hyosung TNS, headquartered in the Seoul, Korea, has over 2,000 employees in offices across the globe. We have zero tolerance for slavery and human trafficking in any part of our business, including our supply chains. We have a number of policies in place to ensure all our employees have the right to work and are paid fairly, that we act with integrity and ethically, and that we have effective measures in place to ensure slavery is not present anywhere in our business or supply chain. Hyosung is committed to a work environment that is free from human trafficking and slavery, which for purposes of this policy includes forced labor and unlawful child labor. Hyosung will not tolerate or condone human trafficking or slavery in any part of our global organization.
Hyosung employees, subsidiaries, contractors, subcontractors, vendors, suppliers, partners, and others through whom Hyosung conducts business must avoid complicity in any practice that constitutes trafficking in persons or slavery.
This includes our Equal Opportunities policy, which encompasses recruitment, promotion, training, performance management and reward. Our principles of fair treatment and respect are also applied to our relationships with customers, suppliers, contractors, other stakeholders.
Fair Practices Code
Our policy is to always treat all customers consistently and fairly. Our employees will offer assistance, encouragement and service in a fair, equitable and consistent manner. We will also communicate our Fair Practices Code to our customers by placing it on the company’s website.
We shall ensure that charges / fees are appropriately informed to the customer. Terms and conditions pertaining to the products we offer will be conveyed to the prospective customer. We commit that a dispute arising out of the contract decisions will be appropriately resolved by a grievance redressal mechanism set up by us.
The Company’s Fair Practices Code shall apply across all aspects of our operations including marketing, sales, operations and finance including any collection activities. Our commitment to our Fair Practice Code would be demonstrated in terms of employee accountability, monitoring and auditing programs, training and technology.
The Executive Team and Management Team is responsible for establishing practices designed to ensure that our operations reflect our strong commitment to fair treatment and that all employees are aware of that commitment. Hyosung is committed to providing service of the highest quality to its clients.
This Fair Practices Code applies to the all categories of products and services offered by us (currently offered or which may be introduced at a future date)
The Fair Practices Code is applicable to the above irrespective of whether the same is provided at the office, over the phone, on the Internet or by any other method we may be currently using or may introduce at a future date.

Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy
The ESG Policy of Nautilus Hyosung America Inc., and Hyosung TNS is driven by its mission that, as the global leader in technology solutions, we inspire innovation in consumer experience around the world.
The Hyosung Framework (HF) is founded on the concept of overall sustainable development and thereby recognizes Environmental and Social (E&S) considerations in its own business operations and in the activities carried out by the people and institutions associated with it.
Hyosung constantly strives to bring a positive transformation to the society through its business operations and sincerely endeavors to conserve natural resources, protect the environment and contribute to welfare of the community at large. This policy applies to all the activities and stakeholders of Hyosung including its employees, stakeholders, customers, partners, vendors and all other parties associated with it.
Hyosung is committed to comply with its ESG policy, applicable laws of the land and to be responsive to existing and emerging E&S concerns on a proactive basis.
Complaint & Unethical Behavior Reporting Policy
Nautilus Hyosung America Inc. and Hyosung TNS’s reputation is determined by the work we do each day and by the employees who represent us. We are proud of those who work for us and employees can be honored in the position of trust they hold and the positive reputations that we can build consistently. Our employees are expected to adhere to the highest level of business principles in their conduct and are required to exhibit personal integrity and demonstrate the highest levels of professionalism at all times. The company has established specific policies and requirements with respect to professional integrity and conduct. Hyosung is committed to conducting business ethically and legally throughout our organizations and requires employees and customers to notify the company if any of our employees or venders violate our policies.
To confidentially report a complaint related to employment practices, HR concerns or unethical behavior, employees, venders and customers may contact our third-party vender to file a report.
The procedure is intended to be used for sensitive issues. Serious concerns relating to financial reporting, unethical or illegal conduct should be reported in either of the following ways:
- Call: USA and Canada: (844) 990-0002
- Email: [email protected] – must include Company name with report (Nautilus
- Hyosung America Inc., Hyosung TNS,).
- Fax: (215) 689-3885 – must include Company name with
Regular business matters may be directed to the employee’s manager or Human Resources. The Lighthouse Reporting information is also available on our company website.

Policy and Compliance Overview
Click the policy you wish to read below:
PCI PTS v3 and SHA-2 Transition