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Paper or Plastic…In-store or Online?

Paper or Plastic…In-store or Online?

Back in the day… There was a time when the most common question asked by grocers was related to the bagging preference upon exit…“Do you want Paper or Plastic”? Ah, the good ‘ol days.   Certainly environmental concerns aren’t to be marginalized but today’s grocer is grappling with a much more complex question it seems.  Today’s grocer is […]

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MS500 Teller Cash Recycler

MS500 Teller Cash Recycler

The MS500 is a digitally secure, fast and feature-rich cash recycler for financial institutions. The MS500 modular design and high capacity cassettes drive Hyosung’s industry-leading availability and serviceability. With this TCR, branches are also able to free up their tellers to focus more on what matters most: the customer. Watch the video to learn more […]

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Why You Need a Retail ATM Services App

Why You Need a Retail ATM Services App

From corner stores to shopping malls, retail ATMs are convenient for customers and can make substantial profits for both operators and the shops in which they are located. Of course, monitoring and maintaining a fleet of even a modest size can be difficult, especially if it’s spread out across the county, state, or region.  With […]

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Interactive Teller Machines: Pros and Cons

Interactive Teller Machines: Pros and Cons

Interactive teller machines represent the latest in cutting-edge ATM technology. ITMs combine the standard ATM user experience and the traditional live teller experience, all in one compact console.  When it comes to modernizing bank branches, interactive teller machines are a big part of many financial institutions’ strategy. Branch transformation interactive ATMs can save your FI […]

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BlueVerse Software

BlueVerse Software

Interactive teller machines, or ITMs, represent the very latest in banking technology. When it comes to branch transformation solutions, ITMs are leading the way. But what makes these new interactive ATMs so different from traditional designs, and how steep will the learning curve be for your customers? Read on as the experts at Hyosung America […]

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Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility

Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility

Hyosung Sustainability Initiatives Hyosung is a world leader in the retail and financial solutions industry. We believe it is our responsibility to protect the environment by providing sustainable solutions. Hyosung leads the future by fulfilling its social responsibility and building value for future generations’ activities in the fields of economy, society, and the environment. Green […]

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Hyosung Americas Technical Bulletin

Hyosung Americas Technical Bulletin

In light of an increase in skimmer attacks, Hyosung encourages you to review the nature attacks, your risk exposure and steps you can take to protect your fleet. The Threat There are 3 types of skimmers, all designed to read Track 2 data from the customer’s card: Risk Exposure Not all card readers have anti-skim […]

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The Road to Self-Checkout

The Road to Self-Checkout

The Road to Self-Checkout by Michael Graham, Senior Vice President New Business Division Navigating a path to self-checkout for your store can appear to be a treacherous one, wrought with dangers including the potential for significant capital outlay, lengthy and complex software integrations and possible service interruptions. Most importantly, what about fears of failed customer […]

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The ATM User Experience

The ATM User Experience

At its broadest, user experience design encompasses all aspects of a product or service, from branding to acquisition to function, and even includes product support.

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